Going behind the scenes of CintSnaps: Best practices and fielding questions

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Hey there, curious minds!

Are you ready to dive into the art of asking questions? Whether you’re conducting market research, gauging public opinion, or just trying to understand your audience better, crafting the right questions is crucial.

But fear not! We’re here to guide you through the maze of inquiry with some best practices straight from the playbook of our very own CintSnaps.

What is a CintSnap? 

You may have seen our CintSnaps on social – it’s our proprietary tech that gives us a quick and dirty look into what the public are thinking about a given topic. Instead of running a full research survey, we take a smaller sample of around 300 respondents to answer each question. It’s not a full ‘research project’ per se, more a snapshot into the general population’s perception. Hence the name! 

Recently we’ve polled around pop culture moments like the Oscars and Grammy’s, seasonal subjects such as Valentine’s Day and upcoming vacation plans, and covering worldwide matters like the 2024 elections and International Women’s Day. 

Got anything you’d like to ask? Get in touch! 

So, now we’re going to share how we build our CintSnaps (and bigger research projects).

Fielding questions with finesse 

Imagine you’re chatting with a friend who’s completely clueless about your topic of discussion. That’s the mindset we want you to adopt when framing your questions. Be clear, be concise, and avoid assumptions. Instead of leading questions or vague inquiries, aim for specificity. 

For instance, rather than asking, “Do you plan to travel?” try, “Do you plan to travel in 2024 for the Easter holidays?” See the difference? It’s all about providing context and leaving no room for ambiguity. 

And hey, let’s talk about options. 

We’re big fans of the 5-point Likert scale. It’s like offering a spectrum of flavors for respondents to choose from. Whether they’re very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied, there’s a spot for everyone. And remember, avoid the trap of yes/no questions. Always throw in an option for ‘no opinion’ or ‘neutral’ to capture every shade of response. 

Keeping it engaging 

Mix it up, folks! Don’t just bombard your audience with a barrage of questions. Throw in some statements, sprinkle in a bit of variety. 

Mixing statements and questions not only adds flavor to your survey but also keeps respondents engaged. Throw in some thought-provoking statements alongside your questions to provide different types of feedback and keep respondents on their toes. 

Test, test, test 

Before you hit that launch button, it’s crucial to put your questions to the test. 

Gather a small sample of respondents and run your survey by them. Are the questions clear? Are they relevant? Do they produce the desired responses? Testing your questions ensures that you’re on the right track before rolling out the survey to a larger audience. 

Trust us, a little testing goes a long way! 

Consider survey flow 

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about survey flow.

Your survey should flow seamlessly from one question to the next. Start with easy, non-threatening questions to ease respondents into the survey experience. As you progress, gradually introduce more complex or sensitive topics. By considering the survey flow, you create a positive and intuitive experience for respondents, leading to higher engagement and more accurate data. 

So there you have it—some top-notch strategies for crafting clear, engaging market research surveys. Remember, simplicity is key, variety is essential, testing is crucial, and flow is everything. 

Methodology matters 

Using CintSnaps, we’re all about taking the pulse of the public so you don’t have to. Think of us as your trusty navigators through the sea of consumer insights. 

So, there you have it—some tried and tested best practices for fielding questions like a pro. Remember, simplicity is key, specificity is your friend, and engagement is the name of the game.   

Stay curious!