Pick My Postcode excels with low reconciliation rates and high user engagement

Case Studies

Overview: An online lottery wanted survey opportunity for their users

Pick My Postcode is a UK-based online lottery that engages more than 200,000 users each day. The business model is simple: it is a free daily lottery where users share their postcodes and are randomly selected to win rewards. 

While they did not initially design their lottery to include survey opportunities, Pick My Postcode found their users to be particularly engaged when asked to answer questions while checking  the winning postcode. As a result, the platform decided to make survey opportunities a consistent part of its user experience. 

Solution: API integration with Lucid (a Cint Group company)

To continuously provide their users with surveys, Pick My Postcode opted for an API integration with Lucid (a Cint Group company). With the integration, Pick My Postcode can access survey opportunities as soon as they are available in the exchange. 

With Pick My Postcode’s gamification model, the platform is designed to keep users returning to the site – the lottery incentivises users with chances to win cash prizes. Upon completing a survey, Pick My Postcode users receive a “bonus” in their pot, which is added to the amount each time they win. 

Benefits: User engagement and high-quality survey results

Because of Pick My Postcode’s incentivisation model, they found that users are more likely to return to the site each day to check the lottery and see if they have won a prize – which provides a reliable sample composition for surveys. 

Another key benefit of the API integration is the high quality of results from Pick My Postcode respondents. These users are highly motivated to complete surveys because they want to maximise their bonus pot in case they win. The gamification model offers an ongoing incentive and encourages them to engage with the surveys. 

Effective survey monitoring is also a factor in Pick My Postcode’s success. They work closely with the Cint team to monitor surveys to see which ones get responses and which ones are not performing well. This helps Pick My Postcode strive for higher conversion rates, which leads to a better respondent experience and higher quality responses. 

“From a quality perspective, we’ve very mindful of the surveys that we provide to our community. Cint plays an active role in helping us cull through the survey opportunities we receive to ensure our users have a positive experience and continue to engage with the platform.” – Chris Holbrook, Founder & CEO of Pick My Postcode.

Results: Low reconciliation rates and new product innovation

In addition to enhancing user engagement, the API integration has resulted in a remarkably low reconciliation rate for Pick My Postcode (reconciliation rate is the number of survey responses that researchers “reconcile,” or opt not to pay for). For context, Pick My Postcode’s reconciliation rate is 1.12%, which is nearly three percentage points lower than the Lucid platform average for the UK (in July 2021). 

A low reconciliation rate is highly beneficial to suppliers, as it means researchers are more likely to send surveys to their platform. In the case of Pick My Postcode, they receive consistent survey traffic, provide more engagement opportunities for their users, and ultimately, have a successful new revenue stream. 

This survey-focused approach also led the creators of Pick My Postcode to launch an insights platform called Find Out Now. As a solution to host rapid micro-surveys, Find Out Now, delivers 100,000 micro-survey (1-7 question) responses every day through Pick My Postcode and is a member of the British Polling Council.

“The quality of data from Pick My Postcode has been proven time and again. Its accuracy has been reflected in election results and many other studies. We’re pleased with the team for being hands-on and helping us optimise the integration to increase both efficiency and quality.”

To learn more about Cint’s API integrations for suppliers, contact our team today!