Cint leads on quality and remains determined to combat the ever-evolving world of fraud. The critical ingredients for success, as outlined in our recent webinar, are detection, at scale, and action – often through technology. To this end, we have a task force dedicated to trust and safety, of which Jimmy Snyder, VP, Trust and Safety, forms a key part.
The trust and safety operations team has a wide-ranging remit looking at detection and prevention of fraud; sample quality; company-wide collaboration; and policy enforcement and education. Cint is also committed to working with its many partners to make sure that we help the industry to improve. Led by Chief Trust and Safety Officer Mike Misel, this international team is dedicated to maintaining a high quality marketplace, with a focus on fraud detection and prevention and sample quality.
Jimmy explains:
“We work alongside partners to form a well-rounded resource of protection and knowledge. We value collaboration with our customers and we are continuing to combat fraud and to improve quality, together.
“We review reversals from our customers to help identify and remove bad panelists, and we monitor for any new patterns which we can act upon. So it’s important to share with us any reversal reasons and as much data as possible behind any quality-related concerns.”
“Our role comprises of product protection and sample quality as well as policy enforcement and education, while our responsibilities include moderating programs, policies, initiatives, best practices and processes dedicated to ensuring a healthy and efficient ecosystem; all the while remaining focused on creating a marketplace in which our buyers and suppliers are comfortable and confident about doing business with one another.”
– Jimmy Snyder, VP, Trust and Operations
Ensuring trust in ResTech
“After all, quality is a big part of Cint’s value proposition – and we’ve identified five key components of quality that we have defined as pillars: respondent, supplier, buyer, service/operational; and product. If the quality of any of these pillars is weakened or absent, then quality as a whole suffers – so we have built programs and products to protect and strengthen each of these pillars, such as initiatives for prior vetting when we bring on new suppliers; proactive analysis of supplier traffic; reversal auditing; and partner improvement programs.
“These are just a handful of the many programs that the team is administrating as we help to maintain these pillars in collaboration with the rest of our organization.
“We also have a steering committee which meets regularly to inform, focus and guide our approach to quality. Data is key to what we use to inform the decisions, as the trust and safety team continues to hone its program and leverage third party quality improving applications, as well as deeper analyzing data to proactively combat fraud. We’re extremely optimistic about our future progress and continued development.”
Watch this space! Thanks, Jimmy.